Stefan Kuchenmeister

“ The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success”
― Ian Fleming

beware of him - a banker

„Whom can you trust these days when reliability is the decisive factor?“

Business is becoming ever more complex and faster in all in­du­stries. Own strategies call for ongoing adaptation and up­dating.

In addition, not all are favourably disposed towards one. To top it all there are new risks around every corner and possi­bili­ties to manipulate.

Therefore trust is the most significant trump card. Particularly where key projects are concerned and in critical situations.

It is only with background information that a company can make the right decisions.

Most wanted: Ex politician

Former activities as banker, soldier, politician, consultant are the background to my professional know-how. Today and on this basis I focus exclusively on special assignments.

With four children I have a considerable amount of fantasy but also keep my feet on the ground with reality.

Others also have a good theoretical education. What parti­cu­larly distinguishes me? I have frequently found ways and means which no one else has thought of previously.

Thereby tenacity is my hallmark. I stay tuned, even if the matter is tricky.



Information makes the difference.

I collect the relevant information for key projects with the professional confidentiality required.

And make sure that your confidential and sensitive information gets only into in the right hands.

Unexpected father of four

As specialist I accept assignments for which a high degree of in-company and external discretion is required and the stakes are high. You can expect integrity and one hundred percent independence.

  • The selection of suitable business partners
  • Licenses / concessions
  • Takeovers / co-operations

World is not enough

Another strategy?

  • Safety, privacy, picturesque living
  • Relocation and Protection
  • Different approach to life

Things change quickly, either in business or in personal life. There is some pretty cool stuff.


The fee depends on project. Simple: You propose what it is worth to you.



+49 170 73 79 007


Kuchenmeister GbR

Located in Nuremberg
Beethovenstr 11
Nuremberg, Bavaria 90491

Tax-no. DE256922478

Copyright, Disclaimer: All rights reserved. All text and images and their arrangement on the Kuchenmeister website are protected by copyright and other protective laws. The content of this website is not allowed to be copied, distributed, altered, or made available to third parties for co­mmercial purposes. The content on this website is for general information purposes and does not refer to the particular situation of an individual or a legal entity. It does not constitute any legal advice.